There is one FASSTT member agency in each state and territory of Australia. The eight agencies in the FASSTT network offer direct services to survivors of torture and trauma, their families and communities. These include psychological assessments, individual psycho-therapeutic interventions, group and family therapy, youth activities, natural therapies and community development.
FASSTT members also provide innovative and effective services to ensure that the Australian community can play an important role in diminishing the impact of torture on survivors and enhancing their opportunities to rebuild productive and meaningful lives. These services include professional development and capacity building for service providers (such as workers in the health, housing, education and settlement fields), networking, research, volunteer programs and case consultations.
If you are interested in knowing more about the FASSTT agency in your state or territory please contact them directly (see details below). You can also find out more about each FASSTT agency in our 2017 report Never Turning Away; Australia’s World-Leading Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (PASTT) (PDF Download)
FASSTT National Coordinator
Jamila Padhee
M: 0434 534 614
E: jamilapadhee@fasstt.org.au

Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors
CEO: Merissa Van Der Linden
286 Beaufort Street
Perth WA 6000
P: 08 9227 2700
E: reception@asetts.org.au
W: www.asetts.org.au

Companion House
Assisting Survivors of Torture and Trauma
Director: Ms Kathy Ragless AM
41 Templeton Street
Cook ACT 2614
P: 02 6251 4550
E: info@companionhouse.org.au
W: www.companionhouse.org.au

Foundation House
Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture
CEO: Mr Paris Aristotle AO
4 Gardiner Street
Brunswick VIC 3056
P: 03 9388 0022
E: info@foundationhouse.org.au
W: www.foundationhouse.org.au

Melaleuca Australia
Torture and Trauma Survivors Service of the Northern Territory
CEO: Mr Kwame Selormey
24 McLachlan Street
Darwin NT 0800
P: 08 8985 3311
E: admin@melaleuca.org.au
W: www.melaleuca.org.au

Phoenix Centre
Support for Survivors of Torture and Trauma
CEO: Dr Gillian Long
KGV Sport and Community Centre, Level 2/1a Anfield St,
Glenorchy TAS 7010
P: 03 6234 9138
E: phoenix@mrctas.org.au
W: www.mrctas.org.au/phoenix-centre

Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma
Co-CEOs: Ms Sally Stewart & Ms Liz Gordon
28 Dibley Street
Woolloongabba QLD 4102
P: 07 3391 6677
E: connect@qpastt.org.au
W: www.qpastt.org.au

Service for the Treatment & Rehabilitation of Torture & Trauma Survivors
CEO: Mr Jorge Aroche
152-168 The Horsley Drive
Carramar NSW 2163
P: 02 9794 1900
E: startts@sswahs.nsw.gov.au
W: www.startts.org

Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service
Director: Ms Robyn Smythe
81 Angas St
Adelaide SA 5000
P: 08 8206 8900
E: sttars@sttars.org.au
W: www.sttars.org.au