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FASSTT is supported through funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health under the Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (PASTT). PASTT contributes to the provision of longer-term interventions for survivors of torture and trauma with complex needs.

In addition, PASTT funding is used by FASSTT agencies, in conjunction with funding from other sources, to support a range of activities such as training of health service providers, secondary consultations, community development and service infrastructure – including the FASSTT national network.

Most FASSTT member agencies also receive funding from other Commonwealth government departments, state, territory and local governments, philanthropic trusts, businesses, individuals and fundraising activities.

The work of FASSTT member agencies is possible through the support of:

  • The Federal Government:
  • State Governments in Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory
  • Various philanthropic trusts
  • Various businesses
  • Many individuals